Insurance Council of British Columbia

Decision Information

Decision Content


respecting MEREDITH HOLLY PHENDLER (the "Liicensee"))

INTRODUCTION Purrssuuaanntt ttoo secttiionn 232 off tthhee Financiiall Insltiltaultiionss Actl (the "Act"), CCoouncil ccoonndduuctted aann invessttiiggaatitoionn iinnttoo alllleeggaattiioonnss tthee Licensseeee actteedd in a mmaannnneerr ththaatt bbrorouugghhtt inintoto ququeestsitoionn hheer r suitabiilliitty under the Act by aacccceessssiinngg aann ininddivivididuuaal'ls's pperesrosonnaal lanandd cocnofnifdiednentitaila linifnofromrmataitoionn fofro r purposes other than tthatt rreellaattiinngg toto ththeeiri rininssuurarannccee nneeedds.s .

As part of Council''s iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn,, oonn FFeebbrruuaarry 16, 2009, an Investigative Reviiew Coommiitttteeee (the "Committee") met wiitthh tthhee LLiicceennsseeee ttoo ddiissccuussss ththee aalleleggaatitoionn ththaat tththee LLiciecnensese ecocommmmitittetded a a breach of privacy by requesttiing aacccceessss tto tthhee IICCBBCC ddaattaa ssyysstetemm ffoorr aann imimpproroppeer rppuurprpoossee. .

The Committee is comprised off oonnee vvoottiinngg aanndd ttwoo nnoonn--vvootitningg mmeemmbbeersrs oof fCCoouunnccili,l ,alall loof fwwhhoomm have significant experienece in the insurance business. PPrrioiorr toto ththee CCoommmmititetee's' smmeeteitnign gwwitihth ththee Licensee,, an investigation report had been distributed to the Committee and the lLiciceennsseee foforr review.. AA ddiissccuussssiioonn ooff tthhiiss rreeppoorrt ttotoookk pplalaccee aat tththee mmeeeetitningg aanndd ththee LLiciceennsseee wwaass pprorovvidideedd aann opportunity to clarify the information contained therein and make further submissions. HHaavviningg reviewed the investigation materiialls aand aftter discussing this matter wiitth tthe Liicceennsseeee,, tthhee Committee adviised the Lliciceennsseee ththaat titi twwoouuldld ppreresseennt titists fifninddininggss toto CCoouunnccili,l ,wwhhoo wwoouuldld ththeenn consider the appropriate disposiittiion aannd ssuubbsseeqquueennttllyy pprroovviiddee ththee LLiciceennsseee wwitihth nnootitcicee aass toto aannyy decision in this rregarrd..

A report setting out the Commiitttteeee's's fiEnnddininggss aanndd ththee aafoforeremmeenntitoionneedd inivnevsetsitgiagtaitoino nrerpeoprotr,t ,wwasa s presented to Counciill at its March 17,, 2009 meeting. AAtt tthhee ccoonncclulussioionn oof fitists mmeeetitningg, ,CCoouunncciill determined that the matter shoulld bbee ddiissppoosseed ooff iinn tthhee mmaannnneerr sseet toouut tbbeeloloww. .

INTENDED DECIISION PROCESSS Pursuant to section 237 off the Actt,, Counciill muusstt pprroovviiddee wwrriittteenn nnootitcicee toto ththee LLiciceennsesee oof fththee action it intends to take under secttiionss 2231,, 22336 aanndd//oorr 224411..1 oof fththee AAcct tbbeefoforere tatakkiningg aannyy susucchh actiion.. The Liiccensee may tthen aaccceptt Councciill's's ddeecciissiioonn oorr rreeqquueesstt aa ffoorrmall hheeaarriing. TThhisis intended decision operates as a wrriitttten nnottiice off tthhee aaccttiioonn CCoouunncciill inintetennddss toto tatakkee aaggaaininsst tththee Liceecnseec.


[INT TEENNDDEEDDDECISION Meredith Holly Phend[ler File Number: 116611[31--3 Page 22 off 1111

FACTS Based on the information contained iin tthe iinvessttiigaattiioonn rreeporrtt,, Coouunncciill maaddee tthhee ffoollloowwiinngg findings off ffact:

Licensing Histtoryv 1.. the Licensee was ffiirrst lliicensed on SSeepptteembbeerr 2200,, 22000044;; sshhee iiss ccuurrrecnnttllyy lilciceennsseedd aass a Level 1 General IInssurrance Saalleesspeerrsson;;

2.. the Licensee iis prresenttlly eemplloyed aatt Raand & FFoowwlleerr IInnssuurraannccee SSeerrvviciceess LLtdtd.. (the "Agency");;

3. the Licensee has not been diisciiplliined bby Counciill iinn tthhee ppaasstt;; IB3rreeaacchh ofP Prriivvacy 4. on July 16, 2008, the Liicensee had been sseatted oouuttssiiddee on Robson Street, iin view of her parked vehicle, when she obserrved aa ffeemalle ((tthhee ""Coomppllaaiinnaanntt"")) ppaarrkk inin the spaece in front off tthe Liiceennsseeee's's vveehhiiccllee;;

5.. the Licensee belliieved tthe Compllaaiinnaanntt hhaad ssttrruucckk hheerr vvechhiiccllee aanndd aann aarrgguummeenntt betweecn the two enssued;;

6. at one point during the iintteracetion, tthe Liicensee ccaalllleed tthhee Aggeennccyy ttoo oobbttaaiinn personal information about tthe Compllaiinaanntt aand oownneerrsshhiipp ooff tthhee CCoommpplalaininaannt'ts's vehicle (C"'Aceurra MDX"));;

7. the lLiciceennsseee ininfoformrmeedd ththee CCoommpplalaininaannt tththaat tsshhee kknneeww wwhhoo oowwnneedd ththee AAceuurraa MDX, and lefnt a notec on tthe womaann's's wwiinnddsshhiieelldd ththaat tsstatatetedd ""BBee cacarerefuful linin ththee futurce, watch youurrsseellff BIITTCH"";;

8.. IC1B3C conducted aa ddaattaa aacccceessss sseeaarrcchh aanndd ccoonnfifrimrmeedd ththaat tininfoformrmataitoion nrersepsepcetcitnign g the Acura MDX had been accessed aapprroxiimatteelly ffiifftteeeen miinnuutteess aafftteerr tthhee reported time off tthe iiniittiiall ccoonnffrroonnttaattiioonn,, bbyy aann ininddivivididuuaal laat tththee AAggenencycy; ;

9. the ''Brokerr Querry SScerreeeenn' 'wwaass aacccceesssseedd.. TTheh escsrcerene nrerfelle1cetcetdcd dedteatialisl sabaobouut ththee ACcultra MDX, insurance coverage on tthe vehiiclle,, tthhee iiddeennttiittyy ooff tthhee vveehhiicclele's's registered owner (HI-1o0nndda Canada Fiinance IInnc..)),, aanndd tthhee nnaamee ooff tthhee vveehhiicclele's's principal operattor;;

10.. IC1B3C ceontacted Brad Jefferson (C"'JJefIfTeerrssoonn"")),, tthhee oowwnneerr ooff tthhee AAggeennccyy,, toto aasskk ifi f he could confirm which employee was associiatted wiitth tthhee uusseerr IID ccoonnnneecetteedd ttoo the search. JJeefffeerrssoonn idideenntitfifieiedd MMaarrkk BBaannaathth ("CB'Bananatahth")" )asa sthteh eememplpolyoeye ewwitiht hthteh e user ID in question. BBaannaatthh ddiidd nnoott ddiissppuuttee tthhiiss;;

INTENDED DECISION Meredith Holly Phendler FPile Number:: 11661111331--3 Page 3 off 1I1I

I1I1.. Banath submitted tthat iitt was nnott uunnuussuuaall ttoo ttaakkee pphhoonnee ccaallsls frforomm aa fefellloloww ccoo--worker on the road and respond to rrequests for iinformatiion.. WWhheenn ththisi soocccuursrs, , Banath would use the ''Brokerr Query Scrreen'' tto oobbttaaiinn tthhee iinnffoorrmaattiioonn ssoought. InIn order to access tthis datta,, tthhee uusseerr muusstt eenntteerr aa ppllaattee or registration number and the

first three letters off the registered ownerr''ss nnaamee.. InIn thtihsi sinisntsatnacnec,e t,hteh erergeigsitsetreerded owner was the leasing company. TThhuuss ththee pplalatete nnuummbbeer roonn ththee AAccuurara MMDDXX aanndd the first three lleetttteerrss ""IH-ION" ffor Honddaa FFiinnaanncciinngg wweerree eenntetereredd bbyy BBanaantaht,h t,ot o access the Brrokeerr Quueerryy SSccrreeeenn..

Complainant''s Submissiions 12.. On July 17,, 2008, the Compllaaiinnaanntt ccoonnttaacctteedd IICCBBCC ttoo rreeppoorrt taann aalleleggeedd bbrereaacchh oof f her privacy by an iinndiiviiduall sshhee bbeelliieevveedd ttoo bbee eemmppllooyyeedd bbyy ICICBBCC; ;

13.. the Complainantt rreeporrtted tthhaatt tthhee LLiicceennsseeee ccaammee cclolossee toto hheer rAAccuurara MMDDXX anandd "started screaming" and accused her of hitting the Licensee''s car. TThhee Complainant told tthe Liicceenssee sshhee hhaadd aa bbuuiilltt--iinn ccaammeerraa inin hheer rAAccuurara MMDDXX aanndd conceded that she did get close to tthe Liicensseeee''ss ccaarr,, bbuutt ddiidd nnoott aacctutuaalllyy mmaakkee any contactt;;

14.. the Complaiinantt rreporrtteed tthhaatt tthhee LLiicceennsseeee ccoonnttiinnuueedd toto yyeell laat thheer raanndd reremmaarkrkeedd that she worked for ICBC and could report the iincident. TThhee CCoommpplalaininaannt tleleftf tththee scene to go to her doctorr''ss ooffffiiccee aanndd rreettuurrnneed aapppprrooxxiimaatteellyy liIvlvee mmininuutetess lalateterr ttoo retrieve something ffrrom heerr veehiiclle;;

15.. according to the Compllaiinantt,, tthhee LLiicceennsseeee aapppprrooaacchheedd hheerr ththisis titmimee aanndd sasaidid "s"oso this is your husband''ss ccaarr?~"" aanndd aasskkeedd tthhee CCoommppllaaiinnaannt taabboouut tththee idideenntittiyty oof fththee person listed as the principal operator. TThhee CCoommpplalaininaannt'ts' srerceocolllelcetcitoionn isi sththata ththee Licensee referred tto tthe prriinciipall ooppeerraattoorr bbyy nnaamee;;

16.. in a subsequent iintterrviiew,, tthe Coomppllaaiinnaanntt rree--iitteerraatteedd that the Licensee had speecifically referred tto tthe rreeggiisstteerreedd pprriinncciippaall ooppeerraatotorr oof fththee AAceuurara MMDDXX bbyy hhisis fIilrst name when addressing her. SShhee ssppeeccifificicaallyly rreemmeemmbbeerrss ththaat tsshhee sstotoppppeedd herself from repllyiing tto tthe LLiicceennsseeee's's qquueesstitoionn aass toto wwhhetehthere rthteh epepresrosno nnanmamede d was her husband because sshhee ddiid nnoott wwaanntt ttoo ggiivvee tthhee LLiciceennsseee aannyy aaddditiitoionnaal l personal information;

]17.. instead, the Complainantt ssubmiitttteed tthhaatt sshhee rreessppoonnddeedd bbyy tteellilningg ththee LLiciceennsseee toto "get a life" and wentt back tto her doccttoorr's's oofffilccee;;

18.. when she returned tto herr vveehhiicclle,, tthhee CCoomppllaaiinnaanntt ffoouunndd ththee nnootete rerefeferreredd toto above, that the Liicenssee hhad lleefftt oonn hheerr vveehhiiccllee;;

IiNTENDEDll DECISION Meredith Holly PhendIlerr File Number:: 1166111131--3 Page 4 ooff 1111

Licensee''ss Submiissssiioonnss 19.. the Licensee prressentteedd hheerr rreeccoollleeccttiioonn ooff tthhee ininccidideennt ttoto ththee CCoommmmitittetee asa s follows:: she was on aa brreak ffrrom hheerr rrooaadd rruunnnniinngg dduuttieiess, ,sseeaatetedd oouutstisdidee oonn Robson Street when sshee nnoottiicceed tthhee CCoomppllaaiinnaanntt aattetemmppt ttoto ppaarkrk inin ththee spspaaccee inin front of where her own vehicle was parked; the Compllaaiinnaanntt's's AAccuurraa MMDDXX hhiitt the Licensee''ss vveehhiiccllee;; tthhee LLiicceennsseeee aapppprrooaacchheedd tthhee wwoommaann aanndd totoldld hheerr sshhee hhaadd hit her vehicle; and aa heeaatteed aarrgguumeenntt eennssuueedd;;

20. the Licensee described the Compllaiinnaanntt's's ccoonndduucctt aass aaggggrreesssiivvee;; 21. after the Complainantt lleefftt tthe sscceenee,, tthhee LLiicceennsseeee ccaalleledd ththee ggeenneeraral lnnuummbbeer rfofor r the Agency and spoke to Banath. SShhee aasskkeedd hhimim toto ""ddoo aa scscrereenn 22" "fofor rhheer ranandd presented it as a routine request. TThhee LLiciceennsseee wwaass aabblele toto gguueesss ththee ccoorrerecct tnnaammee code for the regiisttered oownneerr ooff tthhee Accuurraa MDDX ththrroouugghh hheer rppeersrsoonnaal lkknnoowwleleddggee of Acura vehicles and rreegiissttrrattiion;;

22. when the Complaiinantt rreetturrned ttoo tthhee sscceennee aapppprrooxximimaatetelyly fifvivee mmininuutetess lalateter,r ,ththee Licensee approached her and said "that MDX does nott bellong tto yyoou.."" TThhee Licensee submitted tthatt sshee rreeffeerrrreed ttoo Hoonnddaa CCaannaaddaa aass ththee oowwnneerr, ,aanndd ddidid nnoot t use any personal names;;

23. the Licensee acknowledged tthhaatt sshhee wrroottee tthhee nnoottee,, aass aalleleggeedd bbyy ththee Complainant, aftter tthe Compllaaiinnaanntt weenntt bbaacckk iinnssiiddee aa sseeccoonndd titmimee; ;

24. the Licensee has admitted to "a breach of thiis woman's right to priivacy." SShhee attributed her actions tto bbeeiing ccaauugghhtt in the heat of the momentt aand ddeeniied aany intention to use the perrsonall iinnffoorrmaattiioonn ffoorr hheerr ggaaiinn oorr ffoorr aannyy ooththeer rrereaassoonn. .

Jjge.fff(erson''s StuIbMmISisSs/0i1o1nSs 25. Jefferson reviewed tthe cconndduucctt ooff BBaannaatthh aanndd tthhee LLiciceennsseee aat tththee titmimee ICICBBCC informed him off tthe iinciidentt.. HHee isi ssastaitsifsifeided ththata tBBa.annaathth ddidid nnoot tddoo aannyyththiningg wrong,, as he considered Banatth''ss aaccttiioonnss tto bbee aann aapppprroopprriiaattee rreessppoonnssee ttoo aa routine phone call ffrom aa rroad aaggeentt;;

26. with respect to the lLiciceennsseee, ,JeJeffefersrsoonn wwaass sasatitsifsifeiedd ththaat tshshee hhadad shshoowwnn rermemoorsrese for her actions and would not likely do it again in the future. HHee isis nnoot tooththeerrwwisisee conecerned with her suiittabiilliitty aas aann eemppllooyyeeee ooff tthhee AAggeennccyy;;

27. Through email, Jefffferrson hhaad pprreevviioouussllyy rreemiinnddeedd eemmpploloyyeeess oof fththee nneeedd toto follow the new rules ssett oouutt iin tthhee Freedom of Information and Protection off Privacy Actt C("1F7O0IIPPA"")) aanndd hhee aallssoo eenncclloosseedd 'Privacy Pllease'',, an ICBC document, as a reference..

INTENlDJEDlJ DECISIION Meredith Holly Phendlerr File Nnulml1ber: I166111l31-3 Page 5 off 1111

ISSUliES Council identified the following iissssues:: a) Does the evidence show tthaatt tthhe LLiicceennsseeee ffaaiilleedd ttoo aacct tinin aa trtruusstwtwoortrhthyy mmaannneer ranandd that she failed to carrrryy on tthe bbuussiinneessss ooff iinnssuurraannccee inin ggoooodd fafaitihth aanndd inin aacccoordrdaannccee with the usual practtiice off tthhee bbuussiinneessss ooff iinnssuurraannccee inin ththisis mmaatteter?r?

b) Is disciplinary or ottherr aaccttiioonn waarrrraanntteedd iinn tthhee cciirrccuummsstatanncceess?? LEGISLATION Rnule 3 of the Council Rulleess Licence Applicattiionss

Appliceanuts to Satisfy Counuceiill (2) Ilfaann aapppplliiccaanntt ssaattiissffiieess CCoouunncciill tthhaatt tthhee aapppplliiccaanntt:: (a) has met all of the requiirreementtss sseett oouutt iinn tthhee AAcctt aanndd CCoouunncciill RRuuleless;; (b) is trustwvmorthy, competteenntt aanndd ffininaanncciaiallyly rerelilaiabblele; ; (c) intends to publicly carrrryy on bussiinneessss aass aann iinnssuurraannccee aaggeenntt,, ssaalleessppeerrssoonn oorr aaddjujussteter rinin ggooodd faitth and in accordancee wiitth tthhee uussuuaall pprraacctitcicee oof fththee bbuusisnineess soof finisnusruarnacnec;e ;

C(dd) has not in any jurisdiicttiionn:: 0(i) been refused, or had suspended oorr ccaanncceelllleed,, aann iinnssuurraannccee lilciceennccee oor rrereggisistrtraatitoionn; ; O(ii) been convicted off an offffence;; oorr (iii) been refused orr had ssuussppeenndeed oorr ccaanncceelllleedd aa lilciceennccee oorr rreeggisistrtraatitoionn inin aannyy ooththeer rfifninaanncciaiall services secttorr oorr pprrooffeessssiioonnaall fifeieldld;; for a reason that reveals tthhee aapppplliiccaanntt unfit to be alnl insurance agent, sallessperrssoonn oorr aaddjjuusstteerr;; and (e) does not hold other busiineessss iinntteerreessttss oorr aaccttiivviittiieess wwhhiicchh wwoouulldd bbee inin ccoonnfflilcict ttoto ththee dduutiteiess and responsibilities off a lliicceensee,, orr ggiive rriisse ttoo tthhee rreeaassoonnaabbllee ppoossssiibbiillitiyty oof fuunndduuee ininflfulueennccee. .

then the Council may consentt tto iissssuuiinngg aa lliicceennccee..

INTENDIlEDl) DECISION Meredilth Holly Phendler File Nnumber: 116611113311--33 Page 6 of II

Section 231 of the Acctt Partt 7 —- A Addmmininisisttrraattiioonn of tthe Regulation of Fiinanciiall IInnssttiittuutitoionnss Divisiion 2 -—I nIsnusuraranncceeC Coouunncciill of British Columbiiaa

Council may suspend, cancel orr rreessttrricict tlilciceenncceess aanndd imimppoossee fifnineess (1I) If,, after due investigation, tthe ccounciill ddeetteerrmiinneess tthhaatt tthhee lilciceennsseeee oorr foforrmmeerr lilciceennsseee oor raannyy ooffifciceer,r , director, employee, conttrrolllliinngg sshhaarreehhoolldeerr,, ppaarrttnneerr oorr nnoommiinneeee oof ftthhee lilciceennsseee oor rfoformnneer rlilciecennsesee ((aa)) no longer mITelceetts a lliicceennssiinngg rreeqquuiirreemeenntt eessttaabblliisshheedd bbyy aa rruullee mmaaddee bbyy ththee ccoouunncicli olor rddidid nnoot tmmeeet t that requirementt att tthhee ttiimee tthhee lliicceennccee wwaass isissuueedd,, oorr aat taa lalatetcr rtitmimee, , (b) has breached orr iis iin brreeaach ooff aa tteerrm,, ccoonnddiittiioonn oorr rreessttrriiccttiioonn oof fthtiele lilciceennccee oof fththee lilciceennsesee, , ((cc)) has made a material miissssttaatteemeenntt iinn tthhee aapppplliiccaattiioonn ffoorr ththee lilciceennccee oof fththee lilciceennsesee oor rinin rerepplyly toto aann inquiry addressed underr tthiis Acctt tto tthhe lliicceennsseeee,, (d) has refused orr nneegglleecctteed ttoo maakkee aa pprroommpptt rreeppllyy ttoo aann ininqquuiriryy aaddddrreessseedd toto ththee lilciecnensesee uunnddere rththisi s Act, ((ee)) has contravened secttiion 79, 94 oorr I1 777, orr C(ee. .Il) has contravened a prrescrriibeedd pprroovviissiioon off tthhee rreegguullaattiioonnss,, then the council by orderr maayy ddoo oonnee oorr mmoorree ooff tthhee ffoollloowwiinngg:: ((ff)) reprimand the lliicceenssee orr ffoorrmeerr lliicceennsseeee;; ((gg)) suspend or cancel tthe lliicceennccee ooff tthhe lliicceennsseeee;; (h) attach conditions tto tthe lliicceennccee ooff tthhee lliicceennsseeee oorr aammeenndd aannyy ccoonndditiitoionnss aatttatacchheedd toto ththee lilciecennccee; ; ((Ii)) in appropriate circumstances, amend tthe lliicceennccee ooff tthhee lliicceennsseeee bbyy ddeelleettiningg ththee nnaammee oof faa nnoomminineeee;; Cj) require the liicensee orr ffoorrmerr lliicceennsseeee ttoo cceeaassee aannyy ssppeecciiffiieedd aacctitvivitiyty rerelalatetedd toto ththee ccoonndduucct toof f insurance business orr tto ccaarrrryy outt aannyy sspeciiffiieedd aaccttiivviittyy rreelalatetedd toto ththee ccoonndduucct toof fininssuurarannccee business;: (k) in respect of conduct descriibed iin ppaarraaggrraapphh ((aa)),, ((bb)),, ((cc)),, ((dd)),, ((ec)),, oorr (e(e.1. I),) ,fifninee ththee lilciceennsseee oor r former licensee an amountt (i) not more than $20 000 iin tthe case off aa ccorrporraattiioonn,, oorr (ii) nnoott mmoorree tthhaann $$1100 000000 inin ththee ccaassee oof faann ininddiivviidduuaalL.

(2) A person whose lliicence iis suspended oorr ccaanncceellleedd uunnddeerr tthhiiss sseeccttiioonn mmuusst tssuurrerennddeer rththee lilciceennccee toto ththee council immediately.

((33 )) If the counciill makes anll orrddeerr uunnddeerr ssuubbsseeccttiioonn ((I l))((gg)) toto ssuussppeenndd oor rcacnancceel lthteh elicliecnecnec eofo afna ninisnusruarnacnec e agentt., or insurance adjuster, tthen tthe lliicceenncceess ooff aannyy iinnssuurraannccee ssaalleessppeerrssoonn eemmpploloyyeedd bbyy ththee ininsusurarannccee agentt,, and of any employees off tthe iinnssuurraannccee aaddjjuusstteerr aarree ssuussppeennddeedd wwitihthoouut tththee nneecceesssitiyty oof fththee ccoouunnccili l taking any action..

(3..1!) On application of the person whossee lliicceennccee iiss ssuussppeennddeedd uunnddeerr ssuubbsseeccttiioonn ((1l))((gg)), ,ththee ccoouunnccili lmmaayy rereininsstatatete the licence if the deficiency tthatt rreessuulltteedd iinn tthhe ssuussppeennssiioonn isis rreemeeddiieedd..

(4) Ifr aan insurance agent''s lliicceennccee oorr aann ininssuurraannccee aaddjujussteter'rs' slilciecnencece isi srerienisntsattaetded, ,thteh elicliecnecnecse sofo afnayn yinisnusruarnacnec e salespersons or employees off tthe iinnssuurraance aadjjuusstteerr whhoo ((aa)) w\vere employed by tthatt aagentt oorr aaddjjuusstteerr aatt tthhee ttiimee ooff tthhee ssuussppeennssiioonn, ,aanndd ((bb)) remain employees ooff tlh1aatt aaggeenntt oorr aaddjujussteter raat tththee titmimee oof frerieninstsattaetmemenent,t , are also reinstated wiitthoutt tthe nneeccessssiitty off tthhee ccoouunncciill ttaakkiinngg aannyy aaccttiioonn..

[INTENDED DECISION Meredith Holly Phendllerr File Nunmber: 116611113311--3 Page 7 off 1I1I

Section 236 of the Actt Partt 77 —- A Addmmininisistrtraattiioonn ooff tthhee Regullattion of Financial IInnssttiittuuttiioonnss Division 3 -—H Heaearirninggss aannd Appeals

Power to impose condittiionss ((II) The commission, superiintteennddeenntt oorr ccoouuncciill,, ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn wwhhiicchh oof fththeemm hhaass ththee ppoowweer rtoto mmaakkee ththee oordrdeer,r , ) give the consent or iissssue the bussiinneessss aauutthhoorriizzaattiioonn,, ppeerrmiitt oorr lilciceennccee mmaayy

(a) impose conditions tthatt tthee peerrsson ccoonnssiiddeerrss nneecceessssaarryy oorr ddeessiriraabblele inin reressppeecct toof f (i) an order referred tto iin sseecttiion 2235 ((1I),, (ii) a consent referred tto iin ssecttiion 235 ((22)),, (iii) a business autthorriizzaattiioonn,, (iv) a permit iissued underr sseeccttiion 118877 ((1I),, oorr (v) a licence iisssued undeerr Diivviissiion 22 off PPaarlti 66,, aanndd (b) remove or vary tthe condiittiionss bby own moottiioon oorr oonn tthhee aapppplliiccaattiioonn oof faa ppeersrsoonn aaffefecctetedd bbyy ththee order or consent, orr off tthe hhoollddeerr ooff tthhee bbuussiinneessss aauutthhoorriizzaattiioonn, ,ppeerrmmiti toor rlilciceennccee. .

(2) A condition imposed underr ssuubbsseeccttiioonn ((1I)) iiss ccoonncclluussiivveellyy ddeeeemmeedd toto bbee ppaartr toof fththee oordrdeer,r ,ccoonnsesennt,t ,bbuusisnineess s authorization, permit orr lliicceennccee iinn rreessppeecctt ooff whiichh itit isis imimppoosseedd,, wwhheeththeer rccoonntatainineedd inin oor raatttatacchheedd toto iti toor r contained iin a sepaarraattee ddooccuumeenntt..

((33)) Except ((aa)) on the written applliicattiion oorr w\''Ii'tithh tthhee w\vrriittteenn ppeerrmiissssiioonn oof fththee hhooldldeerr, ,oor r (b) in the circumstances descriibed iinn sseeccttiioonn 116644, ,231 0o1r '224499((11)),, aa ppoowweerr oof fththee ccoommmmisi ssioionn, , superintendent orr council uunnddeerr tthhiiss AAcctt ttoo iimmppoossee oorr vvaarryy ccoonnddiititoionnss inin reressppeecct toof f (ec) a business authorizattiion iiss exerrciissaabllee oonnllyy oonn oorr bbeeffoorree itists isissuuee ddaatete, ,oor r (d) a permit under secttiion 11887 ((11)) oorr aa lliicceennccee uunnddeerr DDiivviissiioonn 22 oof fPPaarrt t66 isis eexxeercrcisisaabblele oonnlyly oonn oor r before iits iissssue ddaattee w\\i'itthh eefffeecct toonn aanndd aaftfeter rththaat tddaatete. .

Section 241L.1 of the Acctt Partt 77 —- A Addmmininisistrtraattiioonn ooff tthe Regullattion of Financial IInnssttiittuuttiioonnss Divisiion 2 -—I nIsnusuraranncceeC Coouunncciill off Brriitish Columbiiaa

Assessment off Costtss (1) If an order results from an iinvesttiigattiion orr hheeaarriinng,, tthhee ccoommiissssiioonn,, ththee ssuuppeerrinintetennddeennt toor rththee ccoouunnccili lmmaayy by order require the financial iinnssttiittuuttiion,, lliicceennsseeee,, ffoorrmeerr lliicceennsseeee oorr ootthheerr ppeerrssoonn ssuubbjejecct ttoto ththee oordrdeer rtoto pay the costs, or part off tthe ccossttss,, oorr eeiitthheerr oorr bbootthh ooff tthhee ffoollolowwiinngg inin aacccoorrddaannccee wwitihth ththee reregguulalatitoionnss: : (a) an investigatiion;; (b) a hearing. (2) Costs assessed under ssubssecttiion ((1I)) (a) must no exceed tthe acttual ccossttss iinnccuurrrreedd bbyy tthhee ccoommiissssiioonn,, ssuuppeerrinintetennddeennt t or council ffor tthe investigation and hheeaarriinngg,, aanndd (b) may include the costtss off rreemunerattiion ffoorr eemppllooyyeeeess,, oofffiicceerrss oorr aaggeennttss oof fththee ccoommmmisissioionn, , superintendentt oorr ccoouunncciill wwhhoo aarree eennggaaggeedd iin tthe iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn oorr hheeaarriningg. .

((33 )) If a person fails to pay costs as orrddeerreedd bbyy tthe dca1atete ssppeecciiffiieedd iinn tthhee oorrddeerr oorr bbyy ththee ddaatete ssppeeccifiifeiedd inin ththee order made on appeal, iiff aany,, whhiicchheevveerr iiss llaatteerr,, tthhee ccoommmiissssiioonn,, ssuuppeerrinintetennddeennt toor rccoouunnccili,l ,aass ththee ccaasese may be, may file with tthe courrtt aa cceerrttiiffiieedd ccooppyy ooff tthhee oorrddeerr aassseesssiningg ththee ccoosststs aanndd, ,oonn bbeeiningg fiflieledd, ,ththee order has the same force and eeffffeecctt aannd aallll pprroocceeeeddiinnggss mmaayy bbee tatakkeenn oonn ththee oordrdeer raass ifi fiti twweerere a ajujuddggmmeennt t of the court.

INTEN)D)E)D) DECISION Meredith Holly Phendler File Number:: 116611113311--33 Page 8 ooff 1I1I

ANALYSIS Counciill found Ithe above mentlioned ffactts cconssttiittuutteedd aa bbrreeaacchh oof fsseecctitoionn 223311(1(I))((aa)) oof fththee AAcct tinin Ithat the Licensee did not actl iin a ttrruussttwoorrtthhyy maannnneerr aanndd inin aacccoorrddaannccee wwitihth ththee uususuaal lpprarcatcitciec eoof f the business of insurance, as required under Council Rule 3(2). InIn ppaarrtitcicuulalarr, ,CCoouunnccili lccoonnccluluddeedd that on July 16,, 2008, the Liicensee ccommiitttteed aa bbrreeaacchh ooff pprriivvaaccyy wwhheenn sshhee rereqquueesstetedd aaccceess stoto the ICBC data system for a purpose otthheerr tthhaann bona fide ICBC business.. IInn rreeaacchhiinng tthiiss conclusion,, Council considered tthe aaccttiionss ooff tthhee LLiicceennsseeee aanndd hheerr ssuubbmmisissioionnss, ,aass wweelll laass ththee submissions of the Complainant,, Baanatth,, IICBC,, aanndd JJeefffeerrssoonn,, aass ccoommppilieledd bbyy CCoouunnccili lstsatfaff finin its investigative rreporrtt..

In concluding that a privacy breach had occccurrrreed,, Coouunncciill ccoonnssiiddeerreedd ththee mmootitvivee fofor rththee bbrereaacchh. . In this respect,, the Licensee has acknowlleedggeedd tthhaatt sshhee ccoommiittteedd aa bbrreeaacchh oof fpprirvivaaccyy, ,hhoowweevveer,r , she contended that she had a rreal concerrn aabboouutt tthhee CCoommppllaaininaannt tleleaavviningg ththee sscceennee oof faann aacccidideennt t without exchanging information. CCoouunncciill ddiidd nnoott aacccceepptt ththaat tththee LLiciceennsseeee hhaadd aa ggeennuuininee ccoonncceerrnn that the Complainant was atltempting a 'hiitt aand rruunn' 'aass ththee ccirirccuummsstatanncceess ddidid nnoot trereflfelecct taa sstatatete oof f urgenccyy.. IIn parrttiicular, tthe lLiciecnensesee hhaadd nnoot toobbseservrveedd aannyy aacctutuaal lddaammaaggee oonn hheerr vveehhiciclele aat taannyy point during the interaction orr any ttiime aafftteerrwaarrdss;; tthhee CCoomppllaaiinnaannt thhaadd leleftf tththee aarereaa oonn fofoot ttoto atltend a nearby office; after tthe Compllaiinaantt lleefftt oonn ffoooott tthhee ffiirrsstt titmimee, ,ththee LLiciceennsseee ccoonnfrforonntetedd her with the information she had obttaiined whheen tthhee CCoomppllaaiinnaannt trreetuturrnneedd;; aanndd, ,aaftfeter rththee Complainant left the aarreeaa on foot a second time, the Liicensee wrrotte aa tthhrreeaatteenniinngg nnoottee aanndd placed it on the Complainant''s Accuurraa MDX..

Counciill found that the Licensee and tthe Coomppllaaiinnaannt'ts's ssuubbmmisisisoionns swwereer einin didriercetc tcocncmflifclitc ot no n severall material points. TThhee LLiciceennsseee mmaainintataininss ththata tshshe enneveevre rerperperseesnetnetde dhehresreslef lafsa sana nICICBBCC agentt.. SShhee aallsso ssuubbmiittleedd tthhaatt sshhee ddiidd nnoott mmeennttiioonn aannyy ppeerrssoonnaall nnaammeess wwitihth rreessppeecct ttoto ththee ownership or operator of the Complainantt''ss vveehiiclle.. HHoowweevveer,r ,ththee CCoommpplalianinanant tcoconnsissitsetnentltyly submiittltced ottherrwiissee.. IIn herr iiniittiial iintterrviiew with ICBC, she stated that the lLiciceennsseeee hhaadd ssaaiidd sshhec was an employee of IICBC, and rrefferrrred tto tthe pprriinncciippaall ooppeerraatotorr bbyy hhisis fifrisrst tnnaammee. . Approximattelly six months later, when interviewed by Council staafnf~, the Compllaiinaantt's's recollcection of the incident had not changed. HHeerr mmeemmoorryy wwaass ssuuppppoorrtteedd bbyy ssppeeccifificic ddeetataiillss.. FoFro r example,, she specifically recalls tthatt sshe ddiiddnn't' teennggaaggee wwitihth ththee LLiciecnensese ewwhhenen asaksekdc dabaobuotu thteh e principal operator so as not tto offfferr hheerr aany ffuurrtthheerr ppeerrssoonnaall ininffoorrmmaattiioonn. .

Council accepted the Complaiinaanntt's's ssuubbmmisissioionn wwitihth rereggaardrdss toto ththee ababoovvee mmenentitoinoneded dedteatialisl sini n disputte.. Thhecy rreeaassooneed tthhaatt tthhee CCoommppllaaiinnaanntt hhaadd nnoo wwaayy oof fkknnoowwiningg wwhhaat tininffoorrmmaatitoionn aappppeeaarreedd on the 'Broker Query Scrreeeenn'.'. HHada dthteh eLLiciecnesnese enonto sttsattaetde dthteh enanmame eofo tfhteh eprpinricnicpiapla ol poepreartaotro,r i,t it would be impossible for the Compllaiinantt tto kknnoow wiitthh cceerrttaaiinnttyy ththaat tththee LLiciceennsseee hhaadd aaccceesss toto this informattiion.. IInn lliigghhtt ooff tthhee ccoonnssiisstteennccyy oof ftthhee CCoommpplalaininaannt'ts' sstsattaetmemenent tanandd ththe esusurrrorouunnddiningg evidence,, Counciill did not have sufficient reason to disbelieve the Complainant. RRaaththeerr, ,inin ththee face of this determination and iitts ffiindiing tthaatt tthhee LLiicceennsseee's's ccoonntetenntitoionn ababooutu thteh ecocnocnecrenr nofo af a potential hit and run was not genuiine,, Councciill ffeelltt tthhiiss rreefflleecctteedd oonn ththee LLiciceennsese'es' scrcerdeidbiibliltiyt yanadn d trustworthiness.

INTENDED DECISION Melr·edith Holly Phendler File Nnumber:: 116611113311--3 Page 9 off 1I1I

Council also determined that the Liicensee had actted iinn hhaasstte aanndd wiitthhoouutt rreeggaarrdd ffoorr tthhee consequences of her actions. TThhee LLiciceennsseee cchhaararaccteterirzizeedd hheer raacctitoionns ssismimilialarlryly: :shshe eatattrtirbiubutetded hehre r misconduct to being caught up iin tthe heatt off tthe momentt aannd sshhee aaddmiittteedd tthhaatt sshhee hhaadd lolosstt hheerr temperr.. HHooweevveerr,, wwhhiillee ththee LLiciceennsseee wwaass ininssisitsetennt tththaat tshshee ddidid nnoot tinintetnendd toto usues ethteh e information,, and had no interest iin llearrniing who tthe womaan waass,, Coouunncciill ffoouunndd tthhaatt tthhee Licensee had instinctively opted to call tthe Agency aand aabusse hheerr aabbiilliittyy ttoo aacccceessss ccoonnffiiddeennttiiaall information,, to intimidate the Complaiinantt and assserrtt ccoonttrroll oovveerr tthhee ssiittuuaattiioonn.. TThhe eLLiciecncsnese e did so bcecause she knew how to manipulate tthe iintterrnall sseeccurriittyy meeaassuurreess ooff tthhee IICCBBCC ddaattaa system by providing the first three letters of the leasing company name tto aacccceessss tthhee BBrrookkeerr Query Screen.. Thiiss ffiinndiing,, aalloonngg wiitthh tthhe ddeetteerrmiinnaattiioonnss tthhaatt tthhee LLiicceennsseeee's's eevvidideennccee wwaass nnoott always credible, and considering the acttiions iinvollved aa bbrreeaacchh ooff ccoonnffiiddeennttiiaalliittyy,, leledd CCoouunncciill ttoo conclude that the Liicensee hhaad nnoott aacctteedd inin aa trtruusstwtwoortrhthyy mmaannneer roor rinin acacocrodradnacnec ewwithit hthteh eusuusaula l practice of the business off iinnssuurraannccee,, ccoonnttrraarryy toto CCoouunnccili lRRuulele 33(2(2).) .

In determining an appropriate penalty, Council rreffllectted oon tthhee pprriinncciippllee ooff ttrruussttwwoorrtthhiinneessss,, which is a fundamental element off each off tthe prroffessiionall rreequuiirreemeennttss ddeeffiinneedd iinn CCoouunnccili'ls's Code of Conductt.. LLiicceennsseeeess mmuusst taaddhheerree toto aa sstrtircict tsstatannddaardrd oof fppeersrosonnaal lininteteggrirtiyty, ,rerleilaibabiliiltiyty anandd honestty.. Accttss off ddiisshhoonneessttyy oouuttssiiddee aa lliicceennsseeee's's pprorofefesssioionnaal llilfiefe mmaayy rereflfelecct toonn hhisis oor rhheerr trustworthincess to holld an insurance licence.. Coouuncciill aallsso eexxpprrecssssllyy iiddeennttiiffiiecdd tthhaatt tthhee uussee ooff confidential information prroviideed bbyy aann iinnssuurreerr ffoorr aa ppuurprpoossee ottherr than intended, qualliifiies aas misconduct conttrrarry to the principlce of trustworthiness as scett out in Council's Code off Conduct. And, in particular, it iis a ccorrnnecrrssttoonnee ooff tthhee ininssuurraannccee inindduusstrtyry ththaat twwhhenen mmemembebresr sofo tfhteh epupbulbicli c provide private information to lliicensees and iinsurers,, tthey do sso wiitthh ccoonnffiiddeennccee tthhaatt iitt wwiilll bbee protected.

Ultimatelly,, Council treats breaches off privacy very secriiouslly and iitt hhaass aaddoopptteedd ddiisscciipplliinnaarryy measures of commcensurate gravity when iit fiinds tthat a lliiccenseec has viiollaatteed tthhee pprriivvaaccyy rriigghhttss ooff a member off the publliic..

In considering the appropriatte paarraameetteerrss ffoorr ddiisscciipplliinnee, ,CCoouunnccili lrerevvieiewweedd ththe efoflollolwowinign geacsaesse s involving anallogouss breaches of tthhe Actt.. IIn HCenl1nl1eebbenJy!,, the agent iimproperrlly aacccceesssseedd tthhee ICBC computer system to obttaaiinn ppeerrssoonnaall aanndd ccoonnffiiddeenntitaial lininfoformrmaatitoionn ababoouut thteh erergeigsitsetreerde d owner of a vehicle and conveyecd tthhiiss iinnffoorrmmaattioionn toto aa ththirirdd ppaartryty wwhhoo uusesded iti toto thtrheraetaetne nthteh e vehicle owner during a road rage incident. CCoouunnccili lnnootetedd ththaat tththee aaggeennt thhaadd bbeeenn fufulllyly awawaraere that disclosure of the iinfforrmaattiioonn ttoo aa tthhiirrdd ppaarrtyty wwaass ccoonntrtararyry toto ICICBBCC gguuidiedleilniense sasa swwelell al sa sthteh e Agency's own procecdures, yet chose to diisregard these rules. IInn ththisis ccaassee, ,pprroovvididiningg ththee information to the third partty ccoulld hhaavvee lleedd ttoo sseerrioiouuss rraammifiifcicaatitoionns sfofor rththee ddrirvivere rofo tfhteh evevheihcilcel.e . Counciill noted that the potential risk to the public iin accessiing tthe perrssonall iinnffoorrmaattiioonn waass manifested when a member of the public was victimized. TThhee aaggeennt tddidid nnoot tadadmmiti toto hhisi s misconduct untill he was certain he would be found out. OOnnccee hhee aaddmmitittetedd toto ththee mmisicsoconndduucct,t ,ththe e agent was not fOorltthcoming with additional iinfforrmattiion tthrroughoutt tthe iinnvveessttiiggaattiivvee pprroocceessss.. TThhe e agent had also misused his possiittiioonn aass aann iinnssuurraannccee ssaalelessppeerrssoonn fofor rppeersrosonnaal lbbenenefeifti tanadn dfofro rthteh e benefit of his friends and acquaintances by improperly rrattiing tterrrriittorry ccoodes.. PPuursrusuanant toto anan order from Council,, the agent was deemed not suitable tto holld a lliicceennccee fforr aa miinniimuum ooff ttwoo years and assessed the cossttss ooff tthhee iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn..

INTENDED DEC,cIiSsiION Meredith Holly Phendler File Nnumber: 1166111131--3 Page 1100 o0ff 1l1

In Cheemao, the agent had accessecd tthe IICBC ddaattaabbaassee ttoo oobbttaaiinn iinnffoorrmmaatitoionn oonn aa vveehhiciclele, ,wwitihth the intention of sharing the iinfforrmattiion wiitth aan acquaaiinnttaannccee kknnoowwnn ttoo bbee ininvvoolvlveedd inin ccrirmimininaal l activitty.. TThhee aaccqquuaaiinnttaannccee hhaadd rerecceenntltyly bbeeenn rereleleaasesedd frforomm pprirsiosonn fofor ra awweaepaopnosn sofoffefnecnec eanadn d had been conviictted in the past for other criminal offences.. Ullttiimaatteellyy,, iinn Cheemao, the agent did not disclose the information. HHee nnootitciceedd ththee vveehhiciclele wwaas srergegisitsetreerded toto ICICBBCC anadn dadavdivsiesdc dhihsi s friend that he could not access the iinfforrmattiion hhee hhaadd rreeqquueesstteedd.. CCoouunncicli lnonnoentehtehleelsess sfofuonudn dthtahta, t, on a balance of probabilities, had tthe vehiicllec iin queessttiioonn nnoott bbeeeenn rreeggiisstteerreedd toto ICICBBCC, ,ththee aaggeennt t would havce carried out the plate iinquiiry aas iintteennddeedd aanndd ccoonnvveeyyeedd tthhaatt iinnffoorrmmaatitoionn toto hhisis frfrieienndd.. The agent also admitted that he had been aassked tto ccoonndduucctt ssiimiillaarr sseeaarrcchheess oonn nnuummeerroouuss previous occasiionss.. Siimiillaarr tto Henneberry, the agent did not adviise anyone off whhaatt hhee hhaadd ddoonnee untill ICBC conductted its investigation.. CCoouunncciill iimmppoosseedd aann oorrddeerr ccaanncceellliinngg tthhee aaggeennt'ts's lilciceennccee, , with reinstatement not to be consiidered ffor aa miinniimuum ooff ttwoo yyeeaarrss,, ffrroom ththee ddaatete oof f cancellation..

Taking all of the above into considerattiion,, Councciill ffoouunnd iitt wwoouulldd bbee aapppprroopprriaiatete toto ccaanncceel lththee Licensecec''s lliicence wiitth rreeiinnssttaatteemeenntt nnoott toto bbee ccoonnssidideerreedd foforr twtwoo yyeeaarsrs frforomm ththee ddataete oof f cancelllattiion.. IIn aaddddiittiioon,, Coouunncciill iinntteennddss ttoo aasssseessss tthhee ccoossttss ooff CCoouunnccili'ls's ininvveesstitgigaatitoionn aaggaaininsst t the Licensee pursuant to secttiion 241.1 off tthe Actt.. CCoouunnccili lcoconnclculuddeded thtahta tsuscuhc ha acacnacneclelalltaiotino n would serve as an adequate general and specific deterrentt.. CCoouunncciill iiss ooff tthhee vviieeww tthhaatt tthhee sanctions it intends to impose on tthe Liicensee ssattiissffaaccttoorriillyy ccoommuunniiccaattee ttoo ththee ininssuurraannccee industry that such conduct will nott be ttolerated,. CCoouunnccili lwwasa salasloso hhooppefeuful lthtahta thteh epepneanlatlyt ywwouoludl d act as a measure off rehabiilliittaattiioonn ffoorr tthhec LLiciceennsseeee. .

INTENDED DECISION Pursuant to section 231,, 236 and 241.1 off tthe Actt,, Counciill maaddee tthhee ffoollloowwiinngg inintetennddeedd decision:

1. the Licensee''ss LLeevvell 1I General Insurance Sallespeerrssoonn's's lilcicecnnccee bbee ccaanncceelleledd foforr aa minimum period off ttwo years ffr0o1m11 tthhee ddaattee Coouunnccili'ls's inintetennddeedd ddeceicsiisoionn bebceocommese s final;

2.. the Licensee pay tthe costts off Coouunncciill's's ininvveesstitgigaatitoionn inintoto ththisi smmatattetre rasasessesesdcd ata t $2,125.00; and,

3. as a condition off this deciisiion,, tthe LLiicceennsseeee iiss rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo ppaayy tthhee ininvveesstitgigaatitoionn costs within 90 days off tthe iintteended ddeecciissiioonn bbeeccoomiinngg ffiinnaall..

The intended decision will take effectt on May 12, 2009, subject to the Licensseeee's's rriigghhtt ttoo rreeqquueesstt a hearing before Council,, ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo sseecctitoionn 223377 oof fththee AAcct.t .

INTENIDJED DECISION Meredith Holly Phendlleerr File Number: 161131--3 Page 1I1I 0o1f1I1I

RIGHT TO A HEARING If tthe Licensee wishes to dispute Counciill''ss ffiinnddiinnggss oorr iittss inintetennddeedd ddeecciissiioonn, ,sshhee mmaayy pprreesseennt thheerr case at a hearing before Council where she may be rrepresented by llegal counsell.. PPuursrusuaannt ttoto section 237(3) off the Act,, tto rreeqquuiirree CCoouunncciill ttoo hhooldld aa hheeaarriningg, ,ththee LLiciceennsese emmuusts tgigviev enontoitciec etoto Council by delivering to iittss offffiiccee wrriittteenn nnoottiiccee oof fththisis inintetenntitoionn bbyy May 11,, 2009.. A hearing will then be scheduled for a dattee wiitthhiinn aa rreeaassoonnaabblele ppeerrioiodd oof ftitmimee frforomm rerceeciepipt tofo fththe enontoitciec.e . Please direct written nottiice tto tthhee aatttteennttiioonn ooff tthhee EExxeeccuutitvivee DDirierecctotor,r ,MMr.r .GGerearladld MMataiteire.r .

If the Licensee does nott rreeqquueesstt aa hheeaarriinngg bbyy May 11,, 2009, the intended deciissiionn ooff Coouunncciill will take effffectt..

Even if this decision iis acceptteed bbyy tthhee LLiicceennsseeee, ,ppuurrssuuaannt ttoto sseecctitoionn 224422(3(3) )oof fthteh eAActc,t ,thteh e Financial Institutions Commission still has a riightt tto appeal tthiis deciissiioonn off Coouunncciill ttoo tthhee Financial Services Tribunal ("FST"). TThhee FFininaanncciaial lInInstsittiututitoionns sCCoommmmisisisoino nhahsa s303 0dadyays stoto fifliel e a Notice of Appeall,, once Council's decision takes effect. FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn rreessppeeccttiinngg appeals to the FST, please vviissiitt tthheeiirr wweebbssiittee aat twwwwww.f.ficic.g.goovv.b.bcc.c.caa/f/sfts/t / or contactt tthem diirrecttlly at:

Suite 1200 - 13450 102nd Avenue Surrey, B..C.. V3T 5X3 Phone: 604-953--5300

Dated in Vancouver, Brittiissh Coolluumbbiiaa oonn ththee 1166thth ddaayy oof fAApprrili,l ,2200099. . For the Insurance Council of British Columbia


 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.